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fruitc eo

Regular price R$ 368.924,15 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 178.617,14 BRL
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fruitc eo

Embark on a journey through the mysterious universe of Fruitc eo, where nature's aromatic wonders await exploration. Discover the hidden essence of fruits and unlock the secrets of their captivating scents.

In the realm of Fruitc eo, one is immediately transported to a realm where the scents of fruits come alive in a symphony of olfactory bliss

The experience of using Fruitc eo is akin to stepping into a fragrant oasis, where each aroma tells a story of nature's artistry

From the zesty notes of citrus to the sweet embrace of tropical fruits, every whiff captivates the senses and leaves an indelible mark on the soul

Through the intricate distillation process, the essence of fruits is extracted and transformed into a pure essence that enchants and delights

Dive into the enigmatic world of Fruitc eo and let yourself be immersed in the essence of nature's fragrance.

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